1. Begin by slicing oranges into halves and stuffing them inside the duck cavity. This helps the duck to maintain its shape, but also keeps it moist and adds a slightly citrus flavor to the meat.
2. Mix together all of the ingredients together into a thick marinade and apply liberally across the whole bird. Pay special attention to the gaps between the wings and the body and the thighs and the body.
3. Using the tip of a sharp knife, score lines across the breasts of the duck. Ideally you want to have some scoring about every 1/4-1/2 inch. Ensure that your cuts are through the skin, but not into the meat itself.
4. Preheat your smoker to 250F and add cherry wood for smoke. Place the duck on a wire rack, above a water tray. Cook until the breast reaches an internal temperature of 165F and the skin is sticky and caramelized. During the cooking process, you may choose to wrap the wings in foil if they are getting too dark.
5. At about 155F internal temperature, ramp the temperature of your cooker up to about 400-450F. This will help to crisp and render the skin.
6. Rest the duck for 20-30 minutes before slicing it the same way you would carve a chicken.